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Warning: Potential spoilers for both Avengers: Infinity War and God of War follow!

Look out, Thanos, there’s a new god in town. Reddit user moxxxxxi has discovered an interesting Easter Egg from Avengers: Infinity War in the God of War video game. If you take on the “Family Business” quest from Sindri, you have the opportunity to find the “Shattered Gauntlet of Ages” talisman that can be used in a similar fashion to Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet. According to the description, this talisman is “an ancient relic of Hel deemed too powerful to remain whole, [so] fragments of its former strength lie scattered throughout the realms.” Sound familiar?

“Family Business” is the Second Favor for Sindri and cannot be accessed until you complete “A New Destination” and Sindri’s First Favor, “Fafnir’s Hoard.” As you play throughout the game, there are six enchantments to collect in the various Norse realms that mirror the Infinity Stones from Infinity War:

  • Andvari’s Soul – Soul Stone
  • Njord’s Temporal Stone – Time Stone
  • Eye of the Outer Realm – Space Stone
  • Ivaldi’s Corrupted Mind – Mind Stone
  • Asgard’s Shard of Existence – Reality Stone
  • Muspelheim Eye of Power – Power Stone

However, God of War doesn’t make it easy for you to collect these enchantments and you’ll need to put in a lot of hours and upgrades to turn the “Shattered Gauntlet of Ages” into an Infinity Gauntlet-like device. There are several walkthroughs you can check out that will help you find the enchantments and get Kratos’ gauntlet to operate like Thanos’ from Infinity War. Once you get the specifications where they need to be, you’ll be able to place three of the enchantments into your upgraded gauntlet and shoot purple wisps from Kratos’ fist. It’s not exactly snapping your fingers to destroy half of the universe but it’s still an awesome nod to the Infinity Gauntlet.

Even though the Infinity Stones existed in the Marvel comics long before Infinity War, the timing of the film and the release of God of War is too perfect to pass up—especially consider how God of War ends. What are some of your favorite Easter Eggs you’ve recognized from video games in the past? Let us know in the comments below!

Images: Sony Interactive Entertainment; Santa Monica Studio

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