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Rule the Universe with AVENGERS Infinity Gauntlet Jewelry

With the release of Avengers: Infinity War, we now know the true power of the Infinity Gauntlet. However, along with controlling the fate of the universe, perhaps Thanos just wanted a beautiful piece of jewelry. We’ve all been there: adding a bit of flair really sets off the purple hue in your skin and can spruce any weird sleeveless vest situation. Just trying to keep it light here, like the ending of Infinity War (j/k, there’s very little levity when it comes to wielding that cosmic piece of hardware).

These inventive jewelry designers have figured out a way to showcase your power, command presence, and most importantly, look good while doing it. Check out these wearable tributes to Thanos’ golden glove.

This does put a smile on my face

Heading out for a night on the town but a massive gauntlet doesn’t fit in with our #ootd? Hot Topic is here to alleviate your fashion strain with this refined yet powerful fashion statement in the form of a Infinity Gauntlet hand bracelet. They’re currently buy two get two free so I don’t know why Thanos has to make such a big fuss about getting one.

I Ignored My Destiny Once

If we’re going to talk class superlatives, Gamora would be voted “Deadliest woman in the galaxy,” Thor—most improved eyesight, and Cap would be voted “Best Beard.” Thanos? Well, he just can’t let go of the past. This Infinty Gauntlet school ring from Superhero Stuff will prove that you’re best in class.

I Hope The People of Earth Will Remember You

As much trouble as you’ve gone to—destroying your enemies and whatnot—sometimes wearing all the stones at once is a little flashy. This unique design from The Beeehive Shop allows you to wear each stone individually as rings, along with a bracelet to match. Sometimes ruling the universe is about keeping it simple.

Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the universe

This gorgeous take on the Infinity Gauntlet is elegant and fairy-esque. Having made it by hand with filigree and crystals, @fireflypath posted her entire tutorial so that you can follow every step to create your own.

You’re full of tricks, wizard

Imagine daywear that will actually glow. These stunning rings look like living, breathing, Infinity Stones. Geeky Tyrant describes how the jewelry gets its glow: “Reddit user Jarvis Latteier has designed an awesome set of rings that were inspired by the Infinity Stones, and they glow in the dark thanks to the radioactive isotope tritium, which is mostly safe as the Tritium’s beta particles are unable to penetrate the skin. So, as long as you don’t ingest it or inject it into your body, you’ll be fine.” Excuse me, what? These rings sound as dangerous as the real Infinity Stones. However, your purchase only includes the rings themselves, as you’ll need to source the tritium. Proceed with caution.

With all the six stones I can simply snap my fingers

Infinity Stone gathering doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Made with colored glass and gold wire by Nasty Woman Crafts, these delicate stackable rings allow you to show off your cosmic power subtly, without drawing too much attention to your desire to control the universe.

Which space jewels are your favorite? Let us know in comments.

Images: Hot Topic, Superhero Stuff, The Beeehive Shop, @fireflypath, Jarvis Latteier, Nasty Woman Crafts, Marvel Studios

To Infinity and Beyond.



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