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At Last! HANNIBAL Shows Us a Bit of Richard Armitage’s RED DRAGON

Sure, NBC’s Hannibal is not going to be continued after this current season — the peacock network did cancel it after all, and the likelihood of pick-ups elsewhere is pretty much zero at this point — but that doesn’t mean we’re not very, very excited for the rest of what’s to come. Needless to say, this post is going to contain a heck of a lot of spoilers for the series, so proceed at your own risk, starlings.

Because it’s very nearly Red Dragon time! And that means we’re nearing the moment where — remember when I said spoilers before, kids? — Hannibal Lecter is caught and brought to justice(ish). But the Red Dragon portion of the season will come after a bit of a time jump in the storyline’s trajectory, reuniting the cannibal that started it all with his buddy Will Graham in order to catch Francis Dolarhyde, otherwise known as the Red Dragon. Bringing Richard Armitage (and by the looks of it, Zachary Quinto, as well) into the fold will no doubt up the tension, and finally resolve this weird semi-psychosexual, murder-y love story/bromance. And it’ll also give us a new serial killer to get to know: all exciting prospects when it comes to Bryan Fuller’s dramatic retelling.

So take a peek at the Comic-Con debuted clip, and let us know what you think in the comments below.

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. Find her on Twitter @alicialutes (but only if you’re not a serial killer. Them’s the rules)!

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