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#AskNerdist and Have YOUR Question Answered at the SDCC Nerdist Industries Panel!

Are werewolves immortal? What truly reigns supreme, Star Wars or Star Trek? How do the Hulk’s pants stay on? When are we getting Half Life 3? Why is Weird Al the ACTUAL coolest?

These are just some of the questions – nay, quemments – that agonize the Nerdist editorial team on a daily basis. You see, it’s our job to share the news, theories, interviews, and love letters to nerd culture each and every day on the ol’ ship Nerdist. And since our Comic-Con panel is coming up this Saturday, July 11, we thought it was high time we take our quemments straight from the source: YOU, our glorious readers.

At 1pm in the Indigo Ballroom, Chris Hardwick will be introducing the Nerdist Industries panel, featuring new Editor-in-Chief Rachel Heine (hey, that’s me!), Senior Editor and pun master extraordinaire Dan Casey, endlessly knowledgeable Science Editor Kyle Hill, chill cat/Music Editor Matt Grosinger, and leader of the White Pants Illuminati/Games Editor Malik Forte… along with some very special guests. And we want you (!) to tweet us (@NerdistDotCom @RachelHeine @osteoferocious @Sci_Phile @MattGrosinger @malik4play) your nerdy questions by using #AskNerdist!


So put on your thinking caps, bust out your interweb devices, and get ready for some epic debates. First up: are aliens real? Kyle Hill says “definitely.” (Editor’s Note: No, he doesn’t. Sorry, Kyle.)


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