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ASH VS. EVIL DEAD Season 2 Reveals a New Villain

In just under two months, Ash vs. Evil Dead will return for its second season on Starz. This year, Lucy Lawless‘ Ruby will be a stellar addition to Team Ash (a.k.a. the Ghostbeaters) alongside Pablo (Ray Santiago), Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), and of course, Ash (Bruce Campbell) himself. And while the cast and creators of the series were quiet about the new threat that unites Ruby and Ash at Comic-Con, Starz has revealed a major new villain who may be this season’s big bad!

Starz has announced that Sons of Anarchy veteran Joel Tobeck is joining the cast of Ash vs. Evil Dead as Baal, a demon from the underworld who is described as “an enemy more powerful than any that have come before.” According to the network, Baal has a larger agenda than simply killing Ash and he also shares a “secret link to Ruby.” Judging by the first photo of Baal, it’s pretty clear that he and Ruby aren’t on great terms.

Ash vs Evil Dead Baal

The second season premiere of Ash vs. Evil Dead was screened at Comic-Con, and we can confirm that Baal didn’t appear in any of the footage that we were shown. However, that episode did reveal what Ash, Kelly, and Pablo have been up to since Ash essentially traded the Necronomicon to Ruby in exchange for a half-hearted truce, some gas money, and a trip to Jacksonville, Florida. That episode also teased some big changes for Pablo and Kelly, but you’re gonna have to wait until October 2 to see what’s happening to them.

What do you think about Baal as the potential new villain for Ash vs. Evil Dead? Unleash your boomsticks in the comment section below!


Images: Starz

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