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Artist Captures MARIO KART’s Rainbow Road IRL

Many have tried and failed to adapt video games into film. Whether the films are based on platformers, open-world adventure titles, or in the case of Rampage, The Rock’s personal experience playing Ape Escape 2 on the PlayStation 2, a video game-based film has yet to garner both critical and commercial success. While some may have lost hope for a successful film adaptation, I am still holding out because the following photographs are perfect concept art for a would-be Mario Kart movie.

Captured by Daniel Mercadante, the following images are part of his ongoing photography series, “Rainbow Roads.” Using long-exposure light photography, Daniel created luminous streaks of rainbow light that make rural landscapes in California, Connecticut, and even Guatemala glow. Meandering in between trees, over creeks, and through rustic sheds, these rainbow streaks highlight the natural beauty of the wintry countryside, while also pointing towards a pot of gold or Emerald City just beyond the frame.

Daniel, along with his wife Katina, form the filmmaking duo The Mercadantes, a Northern California-based team that works primarily on documentaries and commercials. You can check out more of their work here.

Sure, Daniel probably has no intentions to turn his photography series into an all-out film franchise, but the vividness and naturalistic quality of his Rainbow Road makes it impossible not to envision a Mario Kart movie.

I can see it now: Mario and Princess Peach are racing down Rainbow Road. Their relationship is on the rocks (after Bowser kidnapped Peach yet again), but marital differences aside, they must work together to win the Mushroom Cup back from Bowser. The princess is in the lead, with Mario not far behind when suddenly a blue shell appears in the sky. Ever since he was a wee little plumber boy, Mario had always dreamed of winning the Mushroom Cup, but he knows that he must sacrifice his dreams for the dreams of the one he loves. Using his last mushroom power-up, Mario zooms to first place, taking a blue shell for his love and his kingdom. And it’s all set to the tune of Nat King Cole’s “At The End of The Rainbow.” It’s a tragic tale of misfortune, survival and sacrifice. Golden Globe material, no doubt.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but am I reading too much into these photographs? Sound off in the comments below and let me know what you think about a Mario Kart movie. Bonus: Who would you cast as Mario and Princess Peach? Personally, I’m thinking Ian McShane and Jennifer Lawrence.

Images: Daniel Mercadante

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