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Arthur Darvill Cast as Rip Hunter in ARROW/FLASH Spinoff

Literally on the hottest of heels from learning that actress Ciara Renée has been cast as Hawkgirl in the upcoming Arrow/The Flash spinoff series, which already will star Brandon Routh, Caity Lotz, Victor Garber, and Wentworth Miller, we learn that another hero has been cast. Time traveler Rip Hunter will be played by none other than a former TV time traveler himself, Doctor Who companion Arthur Darvill, he of Rory the Roman fame.

The character is described as “a roguish time traveler who hides the strains of being responsible for history itself behind a facade of charm and wit.” Rip Hunter was created in 1959 as a spinoff of the strip The Challengers of the Unknown by Jack Miller. Throughout the years, Hunter has appeared in different books (a time traveler can do that, you see) and has teamed up with the likes of Swamp Thing, Deadman, Adam Strange, and even Superman himself.

Scanned panel from Booster Gold #1 (2007). Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund.

As for Darvill, this will be his first big U.S. TV part following his successful stint on Doctor Who for two-and-a-half series and his role as the Reverend Paul Coates on Broadchurch, which for some reason wasn’t a contained miniseries.

This Arrow/Flash Spinoff is getting more and more interesting all the time. And it seems as though Lotz’s character will probably NOT be Sara Lance, her character from Arrow, because, well, she dead. As much as I love both of those shows individually, the idea of a team show featuring characters I don’t know that well but actors I super do is becoming more and more exciting the more we hear. We’ll keep you in the loop for any further developments.

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