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Art Snob: Odd City/Pacfic Rim Poster Giveaway Contest!

Beloved filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim is nearly upon us, and the entire geeky world is crazy for all things Kaiju and Jaeger. Luckily for us, the art world is as well, as I’ve already previewed in other Art Snob posts. However, just because the film is about to be unleashed on the masses doesn’t mean the Pac Rim (as the cool kids are calling it. Those cool kids…. so quick with the nicknames) art train is slowing anytime soon. In fact, we’ve got a pretty awesome contest that could net you some exclusive and limited edition Pacific Rim art from the fine folks at Odd City, a new Austin based poster-house that has burst onto the scene with a Gispy Danger-sized splash.

As I previously reported in this article, Odd City and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to release a series of super cool and super rare Pac Rim posters. You can check out the art already released and keep up with the yet to be announced pieces at Odd City Entertainment and on Twitter. Today, we have the newest edition in the series, a poster by fantastic and much sought after artist Graham Erwin, an illustrator, graphic designer and screen printer (who also happens to make pretty cool Iphone cases):


This 12×36 Jaeger-tastic (I’m so cute) hand-numbered piece of pure bad-assdom comes in an edition of 175 posters, and is sure to impress the discerning nerd in your life.

You can head to Odd City to snag one of your own and to follow along with the rest of the poster drops (which culminate on July 15th).

But wait… there’s more! 

Want to get your robotic hands on your own copy of one these epic Odd City/Pac Rim posters? And as a bonus a copy of Legendary Comics’ Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero? Just head over to the Pacific Rim Jaeger designer, create your own monster crushing mech, and email the creation to [email protected], where our diligent and very good-looking staff will randomly select two winners! Remember, bigger is better; and lasers can’t hurt. I mean, they can… but in a good way.

Psyched for Pacific Rim? Loving all this Kaiju and Jaeger Art? Digging Art Snob in general? Kindly leave a comment, email me , check out my Youtube channel, or hit me up on the Twitter machine.

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  1. Derek says:

    LOVED the movie…now…pick my jaeger 3:)

  2. Harrison says:

    Thanks for the cool contest. Odd City prints look great! Hope you like my Jaeger!

  3. Derek says:

    Hope you pick my Jaeger 🙂 Great stuff! Can’t wait to see this movie tomorrow night.

  4. Johnny says:

    I’m really looking forward to this film.