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Art Snob: A Visit with Frank Kozik


A few months back, I got the chance to chat with one of my art idols, Frank Kozik. Needless to say, I could have talked to the man for hours and was left hungry for more Kozik-brand awesomeness.

Luckily, Anna Newman has got my back.

For your viewing pleasure, check out Anna’s interview with Frank, at his San Francisco studio:

Here, Anna tells us how this very cool video came to life, and about her love of the legend that is Frank…

“I took my crew to Frank Kozik’s San Francisco studio and filmed Frank making one of his hand-cast art toys. Frank taught me how he turned his passion for art into a career and why he thinks art school is a waste of money. 

“Frank is the rare artist who makes a good living, but doesn’t let commercial bullshit get in the way of his work. He’s in it to win it, but only if his fans win, too. I hope young artists take some of Frank’s advice to heart and enjoy seeing his process and studio set up.”


Dig the work of Frank Kozik? Want to see more interviews like this from Anna? Kindly leave a comment, email me , check out my YouTube channel, or hit me up on the Twitter machine.

Additional Reporting by Anna Newman

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Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Christian says:

    Very well done Anna. Frank has a sense of, “If you don’t do what you love, you’re and idiot” kinda thing. I get it. He’s lucky, talented, and a hard working artist for sure!

  2. Jeff says:

    Cool look into Kozik’s world! Inspired me.

  3. Barnaby Dallas says:

    Loved it. Great profile and message to anyone who wants to create for a living.

  4. DIY Pittsburgh says:

    Access to process, seriously, the sort of docu that reveals not only the artist’s workspace and methods, but also their ethos, crucial.

    We could have easily watched another 5 minutes of Kozik, and probably a few more studio visits from other artists. Dig it, great stuff.

    Been looking for Nardwuar style art interviews, and this is definitely the closest I’ve seen anyone come. Awesome.

  5. MoeDonuts says:

    this was awesome anna! more of these please… 🙂

  6. Wade Krause says:

    I love this interview. Frank Kozik rules. I love his attitude, style, and ability to work (yes, it is work) in so many mediums. I dig that he is very hands-on and has the tools and equipment to make stuff himself. I’d enjoy seeing more artist interviews from Anna. This is really cool.

  7. Kevin Coley says:

    I loved this video! It was interesting, informative, quirky, and fun to watch! Everything about this video was excellent! I’d love to see more! Kudos to everyone involved in this production!

  8. Rochelle says:

    This was a great video — super interesting, well-made, and informative. I love the interview format and they way it was put together. More, please!

  9. Cathy says:

    I’ve always wanted to know more about this artist.
    Great video! Awesome work!

  10. Kozik is brilliant and this interview caught the wave of his imagination. Gimme more vids like this plz!

  11. Ronnie B Goodwin says:

    a terrific incite into Frank Kozik’s life, a terrific production, would like to see more

  12. Steve says:

    very cool, and good advice. I was an archaeologist for over twenty years and I learned more about the profession by being in the field than in the classroom.

  13. Henry "loco" Contreras says:

    Very cool, love your style Frank.