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ARROW’s Felicity Smoak is Going Goth in Flashbacks Tonight — and Revealing Heaps About Her Past

So remember earlier today, in the TV-Cap when we showed you a slightly unexpected photo of Arrow‘s Felicity Smoak rockin’ some duds that looked more at home at a The Cure concert than, say, the Queen Consolidated offices? Well as it turns out, the bubbly sweetheart we’ve all come to know and love has had her fair share of darkness when it comes to past lives.

So in advance of Wednesday night (that’s tonight!)’s episode — where we’ll finally get some answers on what makes Felicity tick — actress Emily Bett Rickards explained the radical look’s origins to E! Online.

“Back in college, she just hadn’t found herself yet,” Rickards explained to E! News. “She was testing the waters and trying out different people and appearances and where we see her in present day is who she decided was where her heart was. We see her as this goth back then because that is the person who she thought she was before she found herself. When we see her in this chapter of her life we’ll see her almost playing a role because that’s the person she thought she was.”

And that person, it turns out, may have done more damage than she anticipated, as we — potential spoiler here, folks! — find out that “this virus attacking the city came from Felicity.”

Yup! You read that right. See? We all make mistakes! “She wrote it five years ago and now it’s taking over the city. Her flashbacks show her creation of it and why and why not? She didn’t know it could be so dangerous.”

For more details on what else there is to expect, click over to the article (it’s an interesting read), or tune into the new episode tonight.

What do you think of Felicity’s reveal? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Image: The CW

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