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ARROW and FLASH Separate and More From The CW’s Fall Schedule


8:00-9:00 PM              THE ORIGINALS (New Night)
9:00-10:00 PM            JANE THE VIRGIN (New Series)


8:00-9:00 PM              THE FLASH (New Series)
9:00-10:00 PM            SUPERNATURAL


8:00-9:00 PM              ARROW
9:00-10:00 PM            THE 100


8:00-9:00 PM              THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
9:00-10:00 PM            REIGN


8:00-8:30 PM              WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?
8:30-9:00 PM              WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? (Encore Episode)
9:00-10:00 PM            AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL

Similar to Fox, The CW slightly suffers in schedule programming due to its lack of a third hour each night of the week. That unavailable hour is often what forces them to be a little more creative with their blocks as opposed to going for more obvious pairings, such as putting The Vampire Diaries and The Originals on one night while Arrow and Flash appear together on another. Based on the current schedule, it appears The CW will be continuing on this path for next season.

The first thing we notice on this schedule is the DC universe has been spread out among two nights. As opposed to having Flash follow Arrow, The CW has chosen to have the series lead into heavy-hitter Supernatural. Most likely, the belief is the Arrow spin-off will be as successful in the ratings as the flagship series, and having it on Tuesdays will give the long-time monster hunting favorite a bump as it heads into its 10th season.

Both The Originals and The Vampire Diaries have been shifted in the new schedule to allow for their YA power to feed both a returning show and a new one. On Mondays, new series Jane the Virgin will be following up airings of The Originals at nine, and on Thursdays, The CW has placed the vampire fan-favorite ahead of this past season’s newcomer, Reign. Since Reign was the slowest ratings builder of the year, it makes sense the network would want to get one of its most popular shows into the lead-in spot of their Game of Thrones inspired series.

Wednesdays and Fridays will remain completely intact, but now the mid-season fare will become full season programming. Arrow and The 100 will continue to lead the mid-week while Whose Line Is It Anyway? dominates the closing week slot. There’s currently no word how many episodes of Whose Line there will be throughout the season, however.

In the mid-season, the network will also launch new Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars, Party Down) series, iZombie, as well as post-apocalyptic drama, The Messengers. In addition to the two new series, the network will also bring Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast in for returning seasons. Their time slots have yet to be determined.

In the end, The CW’s schedule isn’t that radically different from what we expected. Though it would have been nice to have Arrow and Flash on the same night, it’s completely understandable why the network set things up the way they did. Hey, if NBC can have its Chicago shows on two different nights, The CW can have two nights of superheroes.

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  1. Rodney says:

    CW needs to let more providers carry them on “OnDemand”

  2. johnson says:

    by name Am Johnson, i become a vampire because of the wicked world i was to live, the world is not fair to any body.
    things are made to happened when ever i want it to.i turn to a vampire any time i want to.
    am now a powerful man and no one step on me and goes free except they apologies.
    i read the mind of people and their thought.
    i also turn to human at any time. and am one of the most respected man in my geography.
    my friend introduce me into a vampire hood by given me their email.
    am happy that my dream came through. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly
    contact the vampire hood on their email

  3. Jess says:

    TVD is already in front of Reign so Thursday’s are unchanged as well.

    But dammit, I wish they had left The Originals and Supernatural together.

  4. Marsia says:

    Except I hear ABC is moving Agents of SHIELD an hour later on Tuesdays, so now it’s up against Supernatural.  Good thing CW likes DVR numbers because that’s how the majority of viewers will be watching it.

  5. Bobby Wilson says:

    Not too much of a problem with Flash, since ABC pushed Agents of SHIELD to 9 on Tuesdays.