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Arrival of the Force: The Final Recap

And this one’s NSFW, featuring The Dan Band:


And the Course of the Force saga ends right here, featuring the arrival of the lightsaber, a recap of the action, The Dan Band, and much frivolity, plus a SHOCK TWIST ENDING!!!

Nah. But enjoy the festivities. And thank you to everyone who participated.

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Teaser Trailer

“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Teaser Trailer



  1. Colin Lacey says:

    I live in the uk so getting out to see events like course of the force and comic con is pretty much a no go , I’m glad the nerdest channel is around and doing events like this , it brings a tear to my eye and a warm feeling inside to see nerd culture using it’s powers for good 🙂 one day I will make the pilgrimage up to San Diego comic con and hopefully be able to get involved with a future COTF. Love the podcast and the YouTube channel keep up the good work and may the force be with you (:^D

  2. RJ Williams says:

    I really wish you continue doing this for years to come. I hope to be able to attend one day! But until that day comes I will continue to celebrate my Doctor Who fanfom by making stuff like this:

    Maybe I’ll be able to next year!