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The ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Narrator Takes on the Presidential Debates

America: any year when we hold a presidential election things get contentious, and yes, this year is just a little eensy weensy bit worse than probably any election since 1826 (look it up!). With so many claims being thrown back and forth, it can be hard to know which ones have merit and which ones are huge lies. If only there was some omnipotent voice to help clarify the whole thing for us, in the moment, like a real-time, fact-checking narrator—kind of like on Arrested Development.

Which is just what we got with this new political/entertainment crossover video (that we first came across at Entertainment Weekly). It was made by the YouTube channel NeverCaesar, and uses Ron Howard‘s voice over work from Arrested Development to dispute some of the things said by the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump, since they may not be totally accurate or fully supported by facts.

We make it a point to avoid most political stories here (unless it pertains to the Empire vs. Rebel Alliance), but we’re suckers for any good Arrested Development crossover. And we’re not the only ones, since this was shared by the show’s creator Mitch Hurwitz, who joked that this was actually just a sneak peek of the next season (which will come to Netflix in 2017).

We know your level of enjoyment of this might depend on how you feel about the two candidates for president, but hopefully as fans of Arrested Development, we can appreciate it for using one of our favorite shows in a fun way, one that can let us get a laugh out of a race that hasn’t exactly offered many.

And besides, no matter who wins in November, there’s some great advice for both candidates that they should remember when it comes to the deficit: there’s always money in the banana stand.

Which characters from the show would enjoy this video? Which ones wouldn’t find it as funny? Let’s have some fun with this in the comments below.

Image: Netflix

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