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Arcade Game Sofas Are Made for Retro Relaxation

From time to time, some sort of nerdy product circulates on the internet and we’re forced to rethink our personal budgets in order to own that bit of fandom. But rarely is there an something so awesomely nerdy and massive in scale that it makes us question the layout of our homes.  These sofas built to look like old school arcade cabinets are certainly one of those rarities.

Brought to our attention via Geeks Are Sexy, these gaming cabinet couches have us seriously considering replacing all our furniture. Made by French design company Harow, each sofa measures 125 cm x 110 cm x 150 cm and weighs in at 55kg (about 120lbs). The site shows off 21 designs for each of these gaming masterpieces with subjects ranging from the classic SNK arcade games to one of our personal favorites, Shepard Fairey’s OBEY design.

Each cabinet couch is handmade from recycled wood, steel, and velvet with the various artistic flourishes for the classic gaming connoisseur or younger Toy Story‘s Buzz Lightyear enthusiast.

At the time this article was written, no pricing was available on Harow’s site. These couches are all imagined designs for now, so you’ll have to get in touch with Harow to request more information and the cost. But, really, how can you put a price tag on that one piece that ties your Jurassic Park themed apartment together?

Take a look at the gallery below for a few more of our favorite designs and the Harow site for the rest. And make sure to discuss your nerdy lounge designs in the comments below!

More geeky home decor!

Images: Harow

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