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How ANT-MAN AND THE WASP’s Mid-Credits Scene Sets Up AVENGERS 4

Warning: Massive spoilers are ahead for Ant-Man and the Wasp!

This week, Marvel Studios released Ant-Man and the Wasp, its third and final movie of 2018. And while the trailers have sold audiences on a fun standalone adventure set pre-Infinity War, the mid-credits scene will leave fans on pretty big cliffhanger. So big the end credits even state: “Ant-Man and the Wasp will return?” Yes, they will, and today’s Nerdist News breaks out the Pym particles to explain how.

Join host and the master of Quantum entanglement, Jessica Chobot, as she offers a few theories about how Ant-Man and the Wasp‘s penultimate scene sets up Avengers 4. The Pyms sent Scott Lang back into the Quantum Realm on a mission of mercy, but while he was gone, the Snap occurred and wiped out the Pym family. That’s problem number one. The second problem is Scott’s stuck at subatomic size and he can’t return without help. And the only people who knew where he was are gone.

As they say at the House of Evil, “that’s bad.” Somebody on the Avengers needs to rescue Scott. But perhaps Scott will end up rescuing the Avengers from their fate. Scott was warned to avoid any time vortexes in the Quantum Realm, and that seems like a very specific piece of information to drop on the audience. What if the time vortexes are Scott’s only way out of the Quantum Realm? If they send Scott back to Earth outside of his own time period, it could explain why we’ve seen leaked photos of the Avengers and Loki circa the Battle of New York.

Note that we have also seen Scott escape the Quantum Realm before, and he may be able to pull off the trick again by himself. If so, we still think those time vortexes may be the key to ending Thanos’ reign and time travel could still explain those flashback costume Avengers pictures. But we’re going to have to wait until May 2019 to get definitive answers.

How do you think the Ant-Man and the Wasp mid-credits scene will play into Avengers 4? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel Studios

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