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Another Nerdist TV Shoot In London on Thursday

Excuse me. Nerdist fans in the London area? Got Quemments? I know I alerted you to a video shoot for the Nerdist specials on BBC America earlier this week, but I just wanted to mention that there’s going to be ANOTHER one, so if you couldn’t make the last one, you have another shot. Naturally, there’s short notice, so listen up.

Alison Haislip, writer/producer Kristen Rutherford, and a camera crew will be on Neal Street near Covent Garden THURSDAY (May 10th) 11 am-1 pm. Go there (no, I don’t know exactly where they’ll be — go there and look for a camera crew), be ready with your Quemments for Chris, Jonah, and Matt, and you might just be on an upcoming Nerdist TV special. Tell ’em sent you. Not that it’ll get you anything, but tell ’em anyway.

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