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“Animeme Rap Battles”: Slender Man vs. Unwanted House Guest (NSFW)

Hey, it’s another round of Animeme Rap Battles from Animeme and the Nerdist Channel! This time around in the series of throwdowns between fictional characters from the fevered imaginations of Alex Negrete, it’s Slender Man vs. Unwanted House Guest in a battle of lethal memes. They manage to work Kristen Stewart and Gary Busey in there, for what that’s worth.

See more Animeme Rap Battles:
Most Interesting Man vs. Old Spice Guy
Forever Alone vs. Overly Attached Girlfriend
Grumpy Cat vs. Nyan Cat.

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  1. Dark Heart says:

    Would I be biased in saying that Master Slender Man owned dat muddafukas shit?

  2. The_Crazy_SouthAfrican says:

    Slenderman beast-moded dat shit:P

  3. RomaHetaOni says:

    Slenderman won (~OuO)~

  4. Lily says:

    I definitely think unwanted house guest won!!

  5. Kakarot says:

    Unwanted House Guest. He was completely dominating up until the end.

  6. Mccrackelz says:

    Slenderman doesn’t win, he just wills a reality where he never lost.