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New AMERICAN GODS Comic Series Gets Gorgeous Con Exclusive Cover

While the future of the TV version of American Gods is somewhat nebulous right now, the adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s classic novel is running at full steam over at publisher Dark Horse Comics. Neil Gaiman is adding to the tapestry and overall mythology of his own novel with this comic book adaptation, which is co-written by the legendary P. Craig Russell, who is providing layouts and illustrated by Scott Hampton, and regular covers by Glenn Fabry and variant covers by David Mack. The the first issue of the new mini-series American Gods: My Ainsel, hits comic shops on March 14.

As a special bonus for American Gods fans, artist Christian Ward will be the artist on the cover of the Dark Horse convention exclusive of American Gods: My Ainsel #1. The cover will be available at conventions Dark Horse attends throughout the year, starting with Emerald City Comic Con on >March 1. You can check out the debut of Christian War’s exclusive cover above, and the regular cover down below.

In this second arc of the comic book adaptation, the bizarre road trip across America continues as our heroes gather reinforcements for the imminent god war. Shadow and Wednesday leave the House on the Rock and continue their journey across the country where they set up aliases, meet new gods, and prepare for war.

American Gods: My Ainsel is named for the second movement of the book. The upcoming third and final volume of the comic  book adaptation of the wild adventure of  Shadow Moon will be called American Gods: The Moment of the Storm, named after the last act of the novel.

What do you think of Ward’s evocative cover for the new American Gods series? Be sure to let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.

Images: Dark Horse Comics

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