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Allow Wil Wheaton to Mansplain All the STAR WARS/ROGUE ONE Hate

Frustration abounds across the internet this month, in the wake of yet another Star Wars film—no, not The Force Awakens, but Rogue One—being fronted by a female protagonist. And while that may seem like a good thing to some people, others have proved themselves to be extremely put off by all these lady bits zipping around, playing major parts in the destruction of the Dark Side. It takes a particular brand of empathy to understand the other side of the argument: namely, that all of these women commanding the forefront are making it really hard for some men out there to relate to the heroes in this brand new world taking place in the galaxy far, far away.

Thankfully, Wil Wheaton‘s got you covered.

On the inaugural episode of Nerdist’s new show, Fangirling, we asked Mr. Wheaton to break it all down for us. To explain to our, perhaps, less-than-understanding brains why we should be more sympathetic toward those who may not be as ready to join the Resistance, now that Aunt Beru and General Leia have some new cohorts amongst them.

And, lest ye feel the need to sharpen any pitchforks, be sure to watch it until the end, because Wil does not hold back on how he really feels. So, for all of you out there who may not look so kindly upon the Original Trilogy’s inclusion/representation of women—mostly because, well, there was like basically none of them in it—Wil’s here to mansplain it all.

Thank goodness for that Wil, y’all.

What do you think of the clip? And did you get the chance to check out Fangirling? Let us know in the comments below!

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist and Co-Host of Fangirling. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes)!

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