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All of HARRY POTTER Summarized in a Single Comic

Getting to know the world of Harry Potter is a commitment. It’s an enjoyable endeavor, but whether you choose to read the books or watch the films, you’ll be busy for hours. I highly recommend devouring both, but if you’re not sure what this Harry Potter business is about and you need a quick summary, you can turn to this clever and cute comic by Lucy Knisley.

Titled “The Summharry,” the comic is packed with vignettes from all eight of the Harry Potter movies. Knisley begins with Harry’s time living in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursley residence during Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and ends with an adult Harry and friends in the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The illustrations are like a highlights reel, and Knisley picks some of the best moments to showcase and often makes them funny. The scene where Harry spots Voldemort sucking the life out of the unicorn in the first film is particularly priceless.

Not to be that person but click to enlarge and see all the details in this glorious comic:

giant harry potter comic_resized

The poster isn’t just for Harry Potter newbies to enjoy either. Even though I’ve read and watched the story of the Boy Who Lived a few times, I adore seeing the events unfold in this giant comic. It makes me want to go back and reread my favorite scenes.

If “The Summharry” is too much awesome for your eyeballs to absorb, don’t worry because Knisley has also separated them by film. You can view eight separate comics at her LiveJournal.

[HT: Gizmodo]

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  1. Fullforce098 says:

    Clearly the artist is a Scott Pilgrim fan. + 100000 points for “J’ACCUSE”

  2. RoadRacer says:

    That’s superfantastic.  This need to be a HUGE poster, maybe reformatted into a landscape orientation so it can fill up whole wall (yeah, THAT big).

  3. Matt Wrye says:

    Is that for sale somewhere? Pretty awesome.