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All Hail The Real King Of Snapchat

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A few weeks ago, Buzzfeed claimed that a young man, James McKenna, has revolutionized Snapchat. He essentially takes photos of strangers on his daily commute and draws funny hats on them. I laughed. We all did. But that doesn’t mean he should be wearing the crown and sitting on the Snapchat throne, which in my mind is a big bean bag chair that looks like a ghost.

Months ago, when I thought Snapchat was only meant for those weird naked pictures we never really wanted to see in the first place, something miraculous happened. My friend Abel downloaded the app and everyone’s lives changed… Or at least everyone that is lucky enough to receive snaps from Abel. I recently approached the man himself about his treasure trove of Snapchat genius, and he graciously gave me the permission to show them to you all. Well, not all of it; there are a few penis drawings that we’ll leave to the imagination.

With this new-found library of advance snapping, is it enough for him to claim his rightful place in the bean bag chair? Nerds, you be the deciders.

So here are some of the things that the new King of Snapchat has taught me (pics presented in portrait just the way you’d see them in Snapchat itself)…

If you don’t appreciate the little things… Baby Godzilla could come up and punch you in the face.

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Bees? Bees! They also present a problem, but always remember to SMILE!

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Sometimes even the bravest of men can be insecure…

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…but some just stay super sexy and suave 24/7…

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…and some are just really bad roommates…

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He reminds me that everybody poops…

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…and that it’s okay that we probably can’t find the time to go to the museum… he brings the museum to us!

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Sort of…

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He’s got a pretty cute girlfriend with a pearl earring.

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And he keeps us pop culturally relevant.

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He reminds us to remember the good times…

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Again, sort of.

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He updates our calendars.

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And reminds us to use our manners.

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And sometimes you just need a multicolored gorilla in your life.

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So thank you, Abel… Thank you for sharing your Snapchat wisdom with the world.


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  1. Nathan Dunn says:

    Awesome snapchats! Although I still think I’m one of the best snapchatters around! Hehehe

  2. Laura says:

    Will you design my next tattoo?

  3. RoboNixon says:

    Abel, this is your buddy R Nixon just dropping by to say I’m happy your snapchats are getting the recognition they deserve! (Though I’ve been saying you’re the king of snapchat for… weeks now…)


  4. Abel says:

    Hey, this is Abel. I’m happy you guys like my snaps, thanks! And to answer Ajh1133’s question: yep, the more complex ones are drawn on an ipad. I’m cheating!

  5. ajh1133 says:

    How does he draw so well on snapchat? Stylus? Ipad? Using snapchat beta?

  6. Red says:

    This just made my otherwise rubbish day rather better. A multicoloured gorilla there is now in my life…

  7. Kristoffer says:

    the king on the toilet (royal throne) is particularly excellent.