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No-One Will Dare Seek Your Stuff Inside This ALIEN Xenomorph Storage Egg

What’s the dumbest thing you can do if you suspect you might be a character in a Ridley Scott movie? (Besides failing the Turing test, of course, but that won’t be an issue for most of you.) Obviously, the answer is “touch an Alien egg and then look directly inside.” A certain John got really Hurt that way, and Billy got a whole lot of Crud up in his face.

So it strikes us that said egg, once the facehugger has vacated the premises, would be an excellent place to stash your stuff. Especially if it glows green and the top slowly peels open when you touch it. The good folks at Unbox Industries and The Fowndry thought so too.


Standing about 21 inches tall, this egg can be powered by either batteries or a USB port, and can make a super-creepy nightlight if that’s your preference, or if you happen to be an android named David. Inside you can store your toys, valuables, or–if you want to honor the horrific vibe–something more terrifying, like your dirty underwear. That’s no yolking matter.


Unbox Industries themselves recommend it for Halloween candy, in this adorable video of kids cosplaying as all the notable Space Marines (and Ripley, of course):

The xenomorph egg is an officially licensed prop replica, and we’d like to see it start a trend of more horror prop action features. Imagine a Mogwai that fires furballs from its back if you get water on it, or a Slimer who actually slimes people. In the meantime, however, we’re pretty egg-cited by this one.

What would you hide in an alien egg? Stash your comments below–we’re not afraid to look!

Images: Unbox Industries/The Fowndry

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