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ALIEN: ISOLATION Scares The Pants Off of Nerdist News

If you needed another reason to be frightened this Nerdoween, the wonderful world of video games is getting ready to deliver quite a few scares within the next several weeks. On the frontiers of this impending tidal wave of terror is the upcoming survival horror title Alien Isolation.

The Creative Assembly and Sega’s latest foray in the Alien universe has had many– including our very own Armi Lyn– raving about its immensely terrifying gameplay. Jessica, Dan and I decided not only to see what all the talk is about, but to do so by locking ourselves in a pitch black room. What ensued was a series of epic freak-outs (especially from Jessica), plenty of panicked screaming, and some heavy intervention from the EMT staff on site. That’s right: there was a professional EMT on hand taking our blood pressure and making sure that it wasn’t game over, man, game over for your intrepid heroes. So turn off your lights, put on your surround sound, and prepare watch us desperately try not to pee ourselves playing Alien: Isolation.

The game is set to hit stores tomorrow on October 7 for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, 360 and Windows PC. Does Alien: Isolation look like the Alien game you’ve been waiting for? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. gimp says:

    fuck off shit actors.rubbish advert 

  2. alex g says:

    I spent 700 dollars calling an ambulance for a joke.

  3. Jessicas reaction is identical to women when they see my prolapse for the first time!
    (I just tell them it’s a tail because I’m a Super Saiyan.)

  4. Tj Shields says:

    ok dude, I understand you need advertisements to support the website but dude, it is preventing me from watching on mobile. Seriously that Twelvefold capture emotion ad won’t let me watch the video at all and the other add blocks the lower left of the screen. YOU NEED IT FIX THAT!

    • Nick says:

      Don’t worry, this whole thing is an advertisement for the game. These three are the worst actors EVER. The whole thing is obviously scripted.

  5. Wraith says:

    It’s time for these “segments” to have “advertisement” tags.

  6. Ken says:

    Did _anyone_ not see that coming?

  7. Chobot for the win.