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“Ain’t It Cool” Swims With Sharks

Jaws got released on Blu-ray this week, and that’s enough reason for Harry to talk about the classic 1975 thriller on the Nerdist Channel’s Ain’t it Cool with Harry Knowles. Harry… Jaws… Can we get a “That’s some bad hat, Harry?,” please?

Thank you.

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The 6 Scariest Underground Mines in Horror

The 6 Scariest Underground Mines in Horror

SPONGEBOB’s New Halloween Song is a Spooky Stop Motion Jam (Exclusive)

SPONGEBOB’s New Halloween Song is a Spooky Stop Motion Jam (Exclusive)

Op-Ed: DAREDEVIL Could Hopefully Lead to a New PUNISHER

Op-Ed: DAREDEVIL Could Hopefully Lead to a New PUNISHER
