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Aesop Rock Remakes THE SHINING with Papier-Mâché Mayhem

Director Stanley Kubrick‘s The Shining has been widely hailed as one of the best Stephen King adaptations and most influential horror films of all time. But neither Kubrick nor King could have ever predicted that The Shining would one day be remade with papier-mâché dolls. Thankfully, we live in that world now.

Via Indiewire, Aesop Rock and director Rob Shaw have posted a remake of The Shining set to The Impossible Kid, Aesop Rock’s upcoming album. While The Shining has been remade before, this version is clearly taking its cues from Kubrick’s vision with several shots lifted directly from the film.

That’s not to say it’s a complete shot-for-shot remake of The Shining. At only 48 minutes, it’s more like a condensed version of the classic story of Jack Torrance’s descent into madness before he threatens the lives of his wife, Wendy, and their supernaturally gifted son, Danny. Jack’s inner and outer demons are also portrayed in this remake, but the chosen medium gives the imagery an unexpected child-like quality.

There is also something inherently funny about the papier-mâché Jack, especially during the recreation of Jack Nicholson’s “Here’s Johnny!” moment late in the film.

Each of Aesop Rock’s 15 tracks from The Impossible Kid are in this film, and this is one of the more unique ways to promote an album that we’ve seen in a long time! The Impossible Kid will be released on Friday, April 29.

What did you think of Aesop Rock’s take on The Shining? Go crazy in the comment section below!

Image: Aesop Rock

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