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Adventure Time Animated Ice Pops

Oh my glob, it’s so hot this summer it feels like the Fire Kingdom 24/7. This summer heat wave makes me wish there was a Land of Ooo-themed ice cream shop around the corner so that I can get some lumpin’ good frozen treats.

Artist Emily, eas123 on deviantART, has a virtual answer to our sweet tooth prayers. She’s created an array of adorable Adventure Time ice pops animated to lull us into a sense of euphoria. The 16-year-old artist captures all the wonder of Adventure Time and gives them a sweet twist, making for some delectably mathematical treats.

advenure time pops-07302015

Finn’s little face makes for a charming cap to a blueberry pop while his cohort Jake’s signature orange color also serves as its flavor. Princess Bubblegum is bubblegum, obviously. Meanwhile Marceline is given a mouth-watering black cherry. One can only imagine that the black cherry ice would ooze out of her fang marks.

Fire Princess is a sizzling cinnamon flavor, an oddly perfect contrast to cool ice cream. Lumpy Space Princess’ grape flavor makes me think there’d be actual grapes in there to round out her lumps. Obviously Ice King’s flavor is a mystery, but I’m going to guess he tastes like insanity. Finally, Lemon Grab is surely unacceptably lemony.

While these are just fun concepts, it would be amazing if they were real. Until an ice cream truck pulls up, we’ll have to settle for Adventure Time donuts and pancakes. Bacon pancakes, while delicious, don’t exactly satisfy in this sweltering heat.

HT: Laughing Squid
Photo Credit: eas123/deviantART



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