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Adorable Jenga-Playing Rabbit Will Make You Feel All Fuzzy

You certainly know that we always love to hare about any and all cute cuddly creatures out there, but we are especially fond of any adorable animal that could potentially join us for game night. That’s why we plan on extending an invitation to our next board game gathering to this Jenga playing rabbit.

We first came across this little fuzzy fella named Simba at Laughing Squid, and the video of him engaging in some Jenga piece pulling was shared by the YouTube channel Foinz. Now before any of you Negative Nancies or Mopey Mikes start complaining that this is not an official move, because the bunny didn’t then place the piece on top, let us remind you that this is a rabbit.

Like, an actual animal and not Rocket Raccoon.

We can all just enjoy the spectacle of a little rabbit successfully pulling out a Jenga piece without bringing the whole thing toppling over, a feat that you know some of your more clumsy friends aren’t even capable of, without getting upset that this wouldn’t technically count.

Especially because when you play the game you get to use one hand to pull a piece out. I’d like to see you play only using your nose and mouth.

Of course, we’d like to see what little Simba could do with some other classic board games. Maybe see if he can manage to take care of that water on the knee in Operation. Or see if he can figure out if Professor Plum had anything to do with the murder. Because while we definitely want him out our board game night, we can’t only play Jenga.

But what other game would you like to see a rabbit take on? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image: Foinz

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