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Adam Sandler Shares 2015 Version of ‘The Chanukah Song’

It’s sometimes easy to forget the impact Adam Sandler’s comedy had on the world mainly because his recent movies mostly seem to be justifications for exotic vacations. And one of the pieces of comedy history he is well known for is finally giving the world “The Chanukah Song” in 1994. Hard to believe this song debuted all those years ago in Saturday Night Live’s 20th season during a Weekend Update segment.

The original is one of the best holiday songs ever, became part of the seasonal lexicon immediately, and hasn’t left since. The joy of such a song is that Sandler — despite all criticism of his other work — can update it every now and then and we’ll all come running to hear it. This year Sandler brought us the fourth installment of “The Chanukah Song” lyrics. He keeps the references up to date and perhaps even a little more risque than usual. Referencing celebrities, business moguls, and scientists, Sandler even mentions that Jared Fogle — famous for Subway and infamous for… other much less savory thing things — is regrettably Jewish.

The new version was played to a packed crowd in San Diego and it’s clear from the reaction (and participation) that this song will always be with us. It’s great to see something like this get updated because it allows us (no matter how corny this sounds) to bridge the gap between the nostalgia we feel for it without the original song growing stale.

What’s your favorite version of “The Chanukah Song”? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Happy Madison

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