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It’s been a long road for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. When it first came on the scene last September, it was met with an initially mixed reaction. But, as with many projects that contain the Whedon name, over time, the Marvel television experiment become something really special. As we got deeper into the psychological trauma happening with Coulson and his cheating of death after The Avengers, the more interesting the character became to watch, especially as he led his team of agents that couldn’t be more different.

And now we can finally say, officially: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming back for a second season!

No, we’re not playing some evil Hydra trick on you, Team Coulson isn’t done just yet, and thank God — have you guys seen the craziness that’s happening out there? I mean, there’s man-things floating around somewhere, you guys. Man-Things!

But that’s not all!

So, remember that Agent Carter show that’s been floating around the ether? You know, the potential limited series event that would star Hayley Atwell as her infamous Captain America: The First Avenger character? Well, ABC has given it the official green light for next season as well. The exact premiere date of the series is currently TBD, but rumor is it will serve as a filler for the break Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will take between the fall and spring of next season.

Marvel isn’t giving up on network television; In fact, the studio doubled down on it. Are you excited? Tell us below!

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. Bill Radloff says:

    That’s great news.  Now if only they could find a way to steal Spiderman back from Sony and bring him into the Marvel universe they’ve got going.  Imagine Coulson’s team running into Peter Parker while they’re in NYC…plus, then Spidey could take his place on the Avengers for movie 3 😉

  2. pug says:

    when this show kicked off i found it bad but  hey its really turned it,s self around love it now keep em coming and make mine marvel till the day i  kick the bucket

  3. pug says:


  4. TJ Heesch says:

    2 …or, is it 3…words: MORE SUPER-VILLAINS!!!

  5. alllifeinfate says:

    Finally…! 😀

  6. Jeremy says:

    Sweet! Now I really have to catch up on it all!

  7. Alexandr says:

    Oh, thank you, powers that be. Agents of SHIELD has had an interesting ride, and is now officially A+ Must Watch Great material. I was worried that it was going to die because of its lackluster ratings.

  8. Jules says:

    I’m totes happy, but…um…what are they gonna call it? “Agents of SHIELD” is kind of a sick joke of a title now, ennit?

    • Merrill Barr says:

      You can take the man out of S.H.I.E.L.D., but you can’t take S.H.I.E.L.D. out of the man.

  9. Cardsfanbj says:


  10. Erik White says:

    Thank the Maker! 

  11. SharlzG says:

    More than excited about shield, but I’m also looking forward to Agent Carter will be interesting to see the follow on after the loss of Cap

  12. Jami Losurdo says:

    So happy about this! I knew it was going to happen but glad to get official news. 

  13. Been on the edge about this. I hate when a series I like gets cancelled (Almost Human). Agent Carter looks good too, especially since it will be set after WWII.

  14. Clayton Lott says:

    Great!  I’ll make it a lanyard.

  15. NotMF says:

    YES! I fell in love with this show. So glad it will make it until the next Avengers movie.

  16. skwee says:

    SO Happy about this.