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A Super Nintendo Version of RAYMAN Has Finally Emerged

A Super Nintendo Version of RAYMAN Has Finally Emerged

The original Rayman game was released in 1995 on platforms like the Atari Jaguar, Sega Saturn, and Playstation. Although this was during the prime of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System’s lifetime, Rayman was never available on the console, but that doesn’t mean Ubisoft didn’t try to make that happen.

A few days ago, Michel Ancel, the series’ creator, posted a screenshot of a SNES version of the game that never made it to market, writing, “Pixel lovers … Did this 25 years ago , the game was playable on the Super nintendo console but was never finished + We’ve lost the build . All these pixels are lost , like tears in the rain …”

Apparently, the lost build of the game stuck in Ancel’s mind enough to prompt him to dig, and he came up with gold: Yesterday, he posted a photo of a SNES EPROM cartridge (basically, the game cart minus the gray plastic casing) and captioned it, “Incroyable !!!! We have found the old unique Rayman SNES ROM !!!! It was sleeping for 24 years ….. Time to wake it up !!!!”

And wake up it did, as based on the still image he posted (we’re dying for some video), it appears to be functioning just fine, perhaps well enough for the Nintendo Switch: “It’s working !!!! 4 people in the world have seen this . We thought it was lost , but somewhere in the cold electronic circuit , something was still alive . and running at full 60fps !!! should do a Switch version of this”

Image: Ubisoft

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