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A Side-By-Side Comparison Of STAR WARS New And Old

There’s a good chance that by now you’ve been a part of a conversation about how similar Star Wars: The Force Awakens is to Star Wars: A New Hope. Some may side with the argument that it was a deliberate choice to continue the “rhyming” motif of each trilogy while others contend it was a fair amount of fan service to rinse the bad taste in our mouths left by the prequels. Whatever your opinion of the new film may be, there is a certain poetry in watching the similarities side-by-side.

There are an astounding amount of similar visuals, even when you ignore the major bullet points of a desert dwelling Force user being caught up in a war that she’s secretly connected to involving droids, rebels, and a malevolent military. Seeing them side-by-side does make it seem a bit more magical and almost makes us forget about sweet-potato-Yoda (Maz Kanata) and Hologrambraham Lincoln (Supreme Leader Snoke).

The video, by Vimeo’s  Zachary Antell, does seem to make the case that the similar aspects had to be a deliberate choice by J.J. Abrams but we may never know what his motivations were. In any event, even if The Force Awakens appears to be a carbon copy of A New Hope at times, it doesn’t take away from it being an entertaining return to what made us all love Star Wars in the first place.

What do you think of the film’s being so similar? Did the video miss any scenes? Let chat about it in the comments below!

HT: SlashFilm
Image: Lucasfilm/Disney

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