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A Really Tiny, Working ’83 Star Wars Arcade Machine

This has been floating around for a few months, but it’s still pretty jaw-dropping: Someone’s gone and created a 1:6 scale version of a circa 1983 Atari Star Wars arcade machine. It’s 12 inches tall, it’s detailed and accurate all the way around… and it works. That’s right, the thing actually plays. As someone who poured a lot of quarters into those old arcade machines, my reaction was: WANT. Unfortunately, this was purely a DIY project by one very creative and technically adept person calling himself “Le Chuck” at (the slide show at the end of the video shows scenes from the process of building the machine).

Now, if only someone would do the same for Dig Dug. Add a thimbleful of beer and a slider and that would be a miniaturization of my 1980s experience.

HT: VentureBeat

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  1. Libraorama says:

    Its not the size of the console but rather the strength of the …

  2. three toes of fury says:

    AHHH!! are you freaking kidding me!?! As a child of 80’s arcades, this video game was in my top 3. LOVED it. His mod is absolutely spot-on and very appropriate as there was a big market for small (albiet cheezy) home versions of stand up games.

    In-freakin-credible….one of the coolest projects ive seen. Genius!!!

    Peace .n. Pocket full o quarters,


  3. toonsmyth says:

    That is completely bat-shit INSANE!!! When can I buy one?!

  4. smartbunny says:

    Holy squeepants!

    also: Tiny Burgertime! Tiny Burgertime!