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A Meme Roundup for THE FORCE AWAKENS’ Coolest Stormtrooper


He was only in the film for about a minute, but the stormtrooper known affectionately as “TR-8R” has quickly become a Force Awakens fan favorite after showing that he could stand toe-to-toe with a lightsaber-weilding Finn. He is the new Boba Fett–a stormtrooper that wasn’t incompetent or cowardly, that proved the soldiers weren’t just Jedi fodder (I bet he knew how to aim a blaster too). And he introduced a badass new weapon to the Star Wars cinematic universe that can actually compete with lightsabers. It’s only a matter of time before he’s a tattoo on some nerdy arm or leg. He’s already got a Hot Toys figurine.

In honor of the fallen stun baton flinger, today’s Nerdist News rounds up all the ways the internet is reacting to his sheer badassery. We’ve got videos, we’ve got GIFs, we’ve got photoshops. We have everything you need to binge on the ivory warrior, so much that if you don’t watch today’s episode we’ll call you a…well, you know.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Make sure to check out a new episode of Because Science, in which Kyle tries to figure out if you can get sucked out of a hole in a spaceship and turned into “death butter.” Yummy.

Did we miss any memes? Need to profess your love for the traitor trooper? Need to totally disagree with us about a comparison to Boba Fett? Let us know on Twitter @NerdistNews or drop your blaster and shield in the comments section below.

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