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A Live Action “Mega Man X”


It seems like it was just yesterday when I was in my bedroom with cramped fingers trying to get past a jump or enemy in Mega Man on my 13 inch television.  I love me some Mega Man, and apparently so does Olan Rogers.  Olan created a live action Mega Man video for $700, and now I need to see this movie made.  Of course, it doesn’t compare to the “State-of-the-Art High Resolution Graphics” I was playing in 1987.



via [io9]

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  1. Peter says:

    Awesome. I love the nod to Isaac Asimov in the beginning (which I think is in the original game as well)

  2. Mandy W. says:

    Holy crap that is amazing!

  3. Stan Sleeger says:

    Nowhere near as good as a live performance by The Protomen.

  4. Chapoli says:

    I love that the designer didn’t even bother playing the game enough to know that Megaman didn’t use a pistol. It almost appears as though the designer handed off the assignment to his son and said this game is about a blue guy who shoots thing in some futuristic landscape.

    Do it in perspective please.