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A little Disney Inspiration for Your Thanksgiving Feast

While they may not have American Thanksgiving in all the magical (and European) realms where Disney’s classic animated films take place, they do have more than enough feasts to inspire you this holiday season. Oh My Disney recently posted these great infographs detailing just what your favorite Disney stories served in their most epic feast scenes, and we wanted to make sure you had all the details.

Now, I don’t know about you but I’m more inclined to drool over the Lost Boys’ feast in Hook or pretty much any scene that includes a meal in Harry Potter, but these details are a cute way to go back and remember all the great party scenes Disney gave us over the years. Everyone is glad that Sebastian survived his trip into the kitchen though it was pretty fun to see Ariel freak out when she thought her buddies were in danger. And watching Lumière lead the kitchen in that stirring rendition of “Be Our Guest” while making sure Belle was well fed on her first night in the Beast’s castle was mouth watering.

Next thing you know, Disney will be providing us with replica cookbooks and offering immersion classes so we can all go cook the way Tiana does, right? This writer would totally lay down some dough to learn to make the feasts we’ve seen animated so many times, so here’s hoping this prediction is on the money.

Are there any particularly stirring Disney feasts you feel were left out of this gallery? Tell us in the comments below!

h/t Oh My Disney

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