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7 Characters We Want to Hug for National Hugging Day

Get ready to feel the love, everybody, because it’s National Hugging Day! Yes, there is a day for everything and it’s glorious. Embrace the concept (pun fully intended). National Hugging Day happens on January 21st each year and goes back to 1986. Kevin Zaborney of Michigan is given credit for starting the tradition. He reportedly chose the January date because it’s after the holidays and before Valentine’s Day, and he thinks that’s a time when people are generally in low spirits and need a pick-me-up. I don’t disagree. The event was listed in Chase’s Calendar of Events, and that’s about as official as it gets. Why hugging? Why not? It feels nice, and some studies say it’s therapeutic and can reduce stress.

My stress would be significantly lowered by hugging these fictional characters:

The squishy personal care robot companion from Big Hero 6 is the very definition of huggable. So much so that he’s been designated as the most huggable character by National Hugging Day. He’d be on the list regardless of official accolades, but I’m glad to see the world recognizes Baymax as the best. Disney smartly made a video to commemorate the occasion, and it made me sniffle.


Gif via Giphy

Gizmo is the cutest Mogwai of them all in Gremlins and not just because he doesn’t turn into a scary monster. He’s tiny, he’s furry, and he’s adorable. Did anyone else own a Furby? Okay, imagine hugging a Furby but that instead of being an inanimate object, it was a Mogwai hugging you back and making little happy noises. Yep.


Gif via Giphy

I can’t tell you the number of times Appa melted my heart when I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. The episodes about his lost days? Forget about it. He’s loyal, brave, and very fluffy. He’s not exactly a tiny sky bison, but you can probably wrap your arms around most of one of his legs.


Gif via Tumblr

Lilo & Stitch is a Disney movie I hold near and dear to my heart because it’s about sisters and also because Stitch. Duh. He won me over as soon as he cursed in front of the council and made them all vomit. Also, he basically looks like a walking stuffed animal. How could you not want to hug him to bits?


Gif via Tumblr

Almost all Pokémon are lovable and hug-worthy, but Clefairy wins. The round pink pocket monster sort of looks like a walking star. The way her arms are positioned means it would be impossible to resist the urge to pick her up and hold her close.


Gif via Tumblr

Once you get past the fact that Adipose from Doctor Who are blobs of fat (and I understand if you can’t get past it), they’re precious. Their small stature makes them difficult to hug with two arms, but you can embrace them as if they were stress balls – without squeezing them to death.


Gif via Randar

Star Wars’ Chewbacca doesn’t present his warm and fuzzy side to just anyone, but once you’re his friend (or he owes you a life debt), he’s there one hundred percent. You can lean on him, figuratively and literally. And if you’re lucky, you get to hug him. Aww.

What character do you want to hug the most? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. d says:


  2. diva_nerd says:

    Ron Funches!  He’s fictional, right?  No one that adorable could possibly be real.  He at least deserves an honourable mention.

  3. Samantha says:

    Anyone but Melvin from YGOTAS!

  4. Mike says:
