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11 Great WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? Clips To Get You Ready For The Season Premiere

When news first broke last year that The CW was planning to revive comedy favorite Whose Line Is It Anyway?, there was some skepticism. With successful runs in both the UK and US, many wondered if lightning could really strike a third time for the series. On July 16th, 2013, the answer was clear as the series went on to become one of The CW’s highest rated shows in years.

Now with less than a week to go before the second season premiere of the Aisha Tyler-hosted revival, we thought it might be fun to look back at some classic clips of years past to get ready for the improve goodness coming to television screens everywhere this Friday.

This clip comes from the Clive Anderson UK version of the series. What makes it special is it’s the first televised sketch between the dynamic duo of Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie. Watch closely at the beginning as the two walk to the stage. You can clearly see Ryan mouth the words “good luck” to his scene partner. Little did he know how much his career would be forever defined with the help of the man to his left.


Next up we have a clip from The CW revival of the series, and while the current version is still in its infancy, it’s already had its fair share of classic moments, like the time Ryan accidentally maced himself with perfume during a game of “what’s in the bag?”.

Now we come to our first clip from the original U.S. version hosted by Drew Carey. For long-time fans, they’ll remember the episode Colin turned the meow of a cat into an in joke for the entire episode. The joke was so good that it eventually led to a full break-down of the “irish drinking song” game when Drew suffers a line fumble in the first verse.

Here we have the time Drew brought a personal recorder with him to set and began using it to give out points. Of course this eventually backfired when he left it out during a commercial break and Wayne Brady seized the opportunity to play a prank on his boss. Wouldn’t we all?

Something that became a running gag behind the scenes of the U.S. version of the series was Ryan Stiles’ hatred of the “hoedown” game. One day, his hated hit a tipping point and he gave up trying to come up with a rhyme for the topic of body odor. Being the good friend that he is, Drew stepped in to cover for his then-sitcom co-star to hilarious results.


While celebrity guests were few and far between in the first two versions of the series, The CW’s has, so far, featured a guest star on every episode. In one of the first of the season, The Walking Dead’s Lauren Cohan was brought on for a game of “dubbing.” Everything was going fine until Cohan got a little too engrossed in the scene and took Wayne down with her foot. His reaction is priceless.


One of the most popular games of the series is “helping hands.” In the game, Colin stands behinds Ryan and becomes his hands during a scene. Normally, the results are just funny. This time, they ended up being down right sizzling.


While most of this clip of the “dating service video” game is fairly standard, one moment went down in Whose Line? history. It involves Greg Proops, a giant fish head and a moment of life clarity. You gotta love that guy sometimes.


In another clip of the “helping hands” game – this time from The CW’s revival – Ryan and Colin are playing a Mexican chef trying to teach their son, Keegan-Michael Key, the way of the Mexican restaurant. Things were going fine until Ryan went for a drink. That’s when he learned something. He learned that he might be calling a cab to get home that night.


Something Wayne Brady became known for during his rise to fame on the U.S. version of the series was his amazing gift for improvised song. Every musical game was his, and he crushed it. But this time, unknown to him, something was about to go very wrong, and his musical (and spelling) skills were going to be put to the ultimate test.

In what is arguably the best Whose Line? moment on this list, things go horribly wrong for Ryan during a game of “party quirks” when he becomes slightly too method about his character, Carol Channing Whose Head Keeps Getting Stuck To Things. Let’s just say it’s a good thing the new version of the series kept the neon out of the host’s desk.

And there’s a short list of some of the best moments from the world’s best improv series. With any luck, the new season premiering this Friday at 8 pm (ET/PT) on The CW will be able to add many more to it.

What are some of your favorite Whose Line? moments?

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  1. The 2.5th Doctor says:

    This is my favorite game/reality show… Besides @midnight of course.

  2. Robert says:

    Support your local ComedySportz franchise. They do this several times a week.

  3. Rhett says:

    I agree with Carrie and SharlzG – the Three-Headed Broadway Star bit in which they sing “You…Are…My…Soul…Mate…Baby” and Drew blows it made me laugh till I cried. No “Whose Line” Best Of list should be without it.

  4. wliia says:

    whose line is great.
    i recently watched all episodes of the UK version – definitely worth checking out if you like the US version. you may not know many performers during the first few seasons, but soon ryan, colin, greg proops, etc. start showing up.
    as hilarious as the US version.

  5. Cheryl from Maryland says:

    Nothing beats Wayne and Stephen Colbert rapping about an avalanche while ski “dancing” with Ryan and Colin styling BADLY —

  6. Shell Oz says:

    200 pound snatch with Brad Sherwood is always a favourite. Plus Chip and Wayne doing song styles like Sting and surprising each other by singing ‘oooh-ooooahhh’ at the same time.

  7. Alex says:

    There’s one I’ve seen where Ryan disappears backstage during a skit, maybe it was Weird Newscasters. Anyway, he comes back holding a piece of cake and takes his time setting it down behind his chair and getting back into the scene.

  8. SharlzG says:

    There are 3 sketches that I never fail to laugh at: Ryan as a foal being born, Wayne as Michael Jackson getting older, and the 3 headed Broadway star where the sing You’ve got Soul and Drew stuffs up them loses it so badly that at the end of the sketch Ryan has to cut to the ad break. oh, and the runner up would be the Pacific Oshie 🙂

  9. Carrie says:

    Definitely the Three-headed Broadway star where, you guessed it, Drew messes up.

  10. Laura says:

    Interesting that all the “best moments” seem to be when things go wrong. I’m surprised you didn’t include the episode where they were told they couldn’t make fun of Hitler, and the whole episode became about that.

  11. Katie says:

    Saggy, the Anorexic Elephant

  12. Rlewis says:

    The Florence Henderson episode, when everyone was moving on to her.

  13. RG says:

    Oh man, I used to tape the Drew Carey version as a kid, and I dubbed together a VHS of all the best sketches. There was this promo that aired on ABC Family of Drew breaking down laughing, and my friend and I were OBSESSED with finding the episode it was from… we had identified it by the suit he was wearing and who was behind him in the audience; they shot multiple episodes at a time, so you never knew if it was the one you were looking for. Finally, we found it, and we realized that whatever it was he was laughing at wasn’t actually as funny as we were expecting…

    But it was still great.

  14. Josh Cowgill says:

    Richard Simmons living scenery. The best one out of all of them.