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10 Haunted Halloween Snapchats

I think my buddy’s apartment is haunted. He keeps sending these spooky snaps. Not really sure what to tell him–its not like I can just call the Orkin guys for him. If only there was some sort of organization that I could call when something strange is in the neighborhood. But hey, what can you do? It is near Halloween and, sometimes, you just need to let Frankensteins and Draculas have a romantic night in and let some witches bake some haunted quiche in a cauldron.

Here are the spooky snaps from my friend, and let me know in the comments below if you have any interest in renting a room in this apartment.

frankenstein snap

dracula snap

frankendrac snap

dracufrank snap

witches snap 1

witches snap 2

witches snap 3

shower ghost 1

shower ghost 2


I hope this doesn’t mean he’ll be crashing on my couch…

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