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1 Scene, 9 Directors

Walter Woods submitted this video to the Node; he and his friends took a simple scene and interpreted it in 9 different ways.  It would have been interesting to see a Werner Herzog version, but, then again, the video would have had to run ten hours and would have cost a small fortune (film humor…).

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  1. Andrew Nixon says:

    Hmm… The title is a bit of a misnomer, as it’s actually nine different scenes by one director POSING as other directors… I would have preferred one actual scripted scene remaining the same while nine actual different people took a shot at it, given that the title was promising that, in the first place. I had to stop watching after the Wes Anderson one missed the mark by such a wide margin. A bit like The Five Obstructions, but worse.

  2. @Walter it was my pleasure! I just want to make sure that continues to highlight nerdly pleasures no matter where they come from. 🙂

    @patti brown I am the new kid, no worries. I’m just thrilled to be contributing to my favorite site!

  3. Walter says:

    Just wanted to say thanks again for the support. It means a lot!

  4. Meaghan says:

    this is amazing! love it love it love it

  5. Patti says:

    Oops, not Diane’s first post, but she is the new kid on the Nerdist site. So happy for you, Diane!

  6. Patti Brown says:

    Yay! Diane’s first post and also an awesome video clip from Walter Woods. My fellow Nodies making good on The Nerdist site! Hoorays!

  7. Lee Kelyl says:

    SO GOOD! And I got to see it before it goes viral. Hell ya!