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Please Enjoy This Gorilla Going Full-FLASHDANCE in a Kiddie Pool

As someone who has been known to “leave it all out there on the dance floor,” I know the pure joy that comes from ~really feeling it~ when it comes to dancing. It brings a certain level of joy (and endorphins) to your life that’s hard to replicate without leaning into the rush of it all and fully letting go. It just feels RIGHT—and this gorilla knows what I’m talking about, just look at how much fun she’s having, spinning around in a kiddie pool full of water at the Dallas Zoo where she lives.

Internet: meet Zola, your new favorite gorilla on the internet! (Sorry, Koko.)

FOLKS, this is what it means to be carefree and easy-breezy! This is what it looks like to love life and live it like no one’s watching! This is how Alex felt when she finally had her moment on stage with the water after years of working at a steel mill! THIS IS EUPHORIA WRIT LARGE!

Naturally, we weren’t the only ones who saw the connection between Zola’s beautiful moves and the video up above: producer Bob Hagh also saw the beauty in her movements and combined the two to make the mash-up we all needed.

Aren’t you happy Friday has blessed us with this beautiful gift? I hope we can all be like Zola one day, and dance like no one’s watching — be it as ourselves or in weird gorilla suits at night. Because we all deserve that level of joy in our lives.

May we all live our lives as carefree as Zola.


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