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Win PACIFIC RIM on Blu-ray and Enjoy This Exclusive Clip

The above clip is an exclusive artist’s storyboard rendering of the majestic and mighty Shatterdome sequence from Pacific Rim, in which a trio of humanity’s most powerful Jaegers are flown via helicopter into Hong Kong Bay to fight what they think will be just another Kaiju. Oh, my heavens, are they wrong.

This clip is just one of the many things you’ll find on the extensive special features list for the Pacific Rim Blu-ray, which hits stores both real and virtual today. Guillermo del Toro’s epic world-building extravaganza pits a small but dedicated band of pilots and scientists against a seemingly endless cadre of titanic beasties coming from a crack in the Earth’s crust. Why are they here? Where do they come from? It’s taken a while to figure out. Luckily for humanity, Jaegers exist. Who wouldn’t think to create huge robots to battle otherworldly behemoths? And you get plenty of city-smashing and monster-blasting as only the master of cinema fantasy can give us.

Pacific Rim Blu-rayIf you think you’re brave enough to pilot your own Jaeger (we’re assuming you’re calling your recliner in front of your flatscreen a “Jaeger”), then you’ll definitely want to enter our contest for a chance to win a copy of Pacific Rim on Blu-ray. It’s got hours of behind-the-scenes and making-of content on every aspect of the film from its inception, designing, scripting, shooting, editing, scoring, and whatever else you can think of, all supervised by Guillermo del Toro himself. You’ll even get access to his own personal notebook, in interactive digital format, to give you a glimpse into the mad genius’ brain.

To enter to be one of five (5) winners, simply enter your email address and comment below with what your Pac Rim Timeline would be. What would you have done when the Kaiju were spotted? Let us know and you’ll be entered to win! Be sure, of course, that you’ve provided a valid email address for your comment or you’re sadly out of luck. Once you’re entered, you can share this fact by liking our Facebook, following us on Twitter, and encircling us on Google+ pages, share and comment, in order to receive extra chances. Four names are better than one; it’s like having two Jaegers on your side.

You’ve only got until Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013, to enter, or your contest timeline will certainly end with “Missed out on chance to win.”

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  1. John Knight says:

    move to Antartica and pray for the best

  2. Felix says:

    1. Panic
    2. Find a safe place to take shalter
    3. Study the Kaiju as Dr. Newton did
    4. Disguise myself as a baby Kaiju
    5. Work my way through the gateway to their world
    6. Live amongst the Kaiju
    7. Find their leader
    8. Destroy the leader
    9. Rule the Kaiju
    10. Wipe out Earth for the heck of it


  3. Sensu28 says:

    This is my ideal scenario for Earth’s reaction:

    Day1-Year1: Use conventional weapons. Evacuate all coastal areas. Keep bureaucrats busy at UN. Scientists (NASA)/select military initiate coalition with countries capable of producing 21st century weapons. Use former (there’s a bunch) of former space shuttle landing sites to become bases for manufacture, R&D and pilot training. Jaeger headquarters at Cheyenne Mountain. Use/develop non-conventional power sources (geothermal, solar, nuclear). Advertise big rewards for data on Kaiju, huge rewards for physical evidence.

    Year2: Jaegers developed into Stealth aircraft with amphibious capabilities. Drifitng involve multi-personnel and rotate among crew. Drifting refined to center into frontal lobe/left brain only involvement. Creative decisions provided by non-drifting crew.

    Year2+: Deus ex machina would involve Elon Musk’s ideas and certain high-tech corporation’s past profits.

    I really should have paid more attention to my physics, chemistry and geology courses!

  4. Alec says:

    I’d sit back and relax- the dummies wouldn’t bother attacking my town, up by lake Huron, would it? I mean, I guess it would be possible to swim up the Saint Laurence river and navigate through the Great Lakes, but what self-respecting Kaiju would pass by Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Cleveland and Detroit without stopping to wreak a little havoc?

    I’d have plenty of time to find and even more remote location in Saskatchewan.

  5. Flora says:

    1. Panic
    2. Think – “All my childhood tv shows were right – giant monsters did exist. I should have paid more attention to what happened in the show.”
    3. Everyone else is leaving so why not plunder the abandoned stores and attempt to hide it out in basements with a horde of food supplies

  6. Liz says:

    Move as far away from the oceans as I can. Settle on the Grand Tetons, from where I can spot any kaiju coming. Plant explosives around to cause massive rockslides if they try crawling up.

  7. Sam says:

    It’s been 6 weeks since the first Kaiju came and destroyed everything in it’s path. Hiding in these Mayan ruins in Guatemala is the only place we felt we could be safe from an attack. Away from civilization. Living off the land as our ancestors did isn’t so hard when you don’t have to focus on earning money to buy the necessities of life. My plan wasn’t to stay here though. I just wanted to make sure my family was safe. in 2 weeks time I plan on leaving to enlist in the fight the Kaiju as a warrior.
    * 2 Weeks Later *
    They would not except me. Something to do with my vision and if one of my contacts falls out, it would leave me blinded and unable to fight a Kaiju. I return to my family in Guatemala to find they have all died of Small Pox.

  8. JoshA says:

    First I’d need to procure new underwear from the nearest black marketeer that immediately popped into existence.

    Years of SF reading/watching/writing have prepared me for the realities of that day, so I’d like to think I’d be one of the first to sign up to stop the damn things.

  9. Joe Cuffe says:

    I would scream uncontrollably, crap my pants and hide under my bed. After a few days, I would take my wife and kids and move to Montana, ’cause there is no reason for Kaiju to come to Montana (or anyone else, for that matter).

  10. Keith W says:

    I’d move to the middle of Tokyo – what are the chances that all the films were right and the first place Kaiju head for is the capital of Japan?

  11. WendelynGD says:

    First, I would probably panic and my first thought would be of running away. Granted, I live smacked down in the middle of FL so not much would probably happen. However, after a brief reality check I would jump into my own little Jaeger, Luna (my car), and I would go where the action is. Secondly, by any means possible I would try to help the PPDC. Once I make it in I can get close to the action and take photographs with my amateur Kodak Az521 camera so that I can transfer them to ink and paper (I am an artist after all!). In the end, I can tell future generations of how I helped save humanity and became a famous artist in the process.