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Who’s Going to Die in ROGUE ONE?

For all of it’s planetary genocide and Ewok killing sprees, Star Wars goes pretty easy on its main cast. It’s rare that you see a character you actually know and love die. But that all changes in two weeks when Rogue One hits theatres. All signs point to this being a suicide mission for our rag tag band of rebel heroes. And even though we were burned by big screen suicide squads earlier in the year, we’re guessing we might actually develop some affection for Jyn Erso and her crew. Which means we want to properly prepare ourselves for all the incoming feels when they start to get picked off. That’s why we’re giving the odds on who lives and who dies in Rogue One.

Chirrut Imwe, the blind, bad ass, rebel warrior monk. Ordinarily we’d be conflicted about a character this cool getting killed. But his death was already spoiled by a slip up at Star Wars Celebration this year. Chances of dying: 100%.

Baze Malbus, the assassin who doesn’t believe in the power of the force. This sounds like a real atheist in the death Star trenches story to us. Expect him to slowly regain his faith over the course of the film, just in time to get the ghost treatment at the end. Chances of dying: 80%.

K-2s0, the reprogrammed Imperial enforcer droid. He’s had his memory wiped so he can fight alongside his new Rebel besties. But if we’ve learned anything from Westworld it’s that just because a robot gets it’s memory wiped doesn’t mean it’s going to stay wiped. Those Imperial programmed commands are going to bubble to the surface at some point, forcing K-2 to turn on his crew. He’ll override them eventually, just in time for a heroic bit of self sacrifice. Chances of dying: 65%.

Jyn and Galen Erso. It just wouldn’t be Star Wars without a teary eyed family farewell. But who will die? Rebel spy girl Jyn or her Death Star building daddy? Well as interesting as it might be for Disney to buck expectations and kill Jyn it’s also never gonna happen. Chances of Jyn living and Galen dying: 100%.

But remember the future is always changing, at least until Rouge One’s release on December 16th, so our force visions could use a little tweaking. Let us know in the comments if you foresee anything different.

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