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Who Will Direct The New FAST & FURIOUS Trilogy?

Vin Diesel announced this week that there will be 3 more additions to the Fast & Furious fam in the form of a trilogy of new films that will unfortunately, be their last. If you were hoping for more than ten Fast films, I’m very sorry to tell you, Dominic Toretto and company have reached the end of their road. The franchise is going to come to a screeching halt. You better hit the road, because there’s no road here—and if you come here looking for more than ten movies, you’ll hit a dead end. Okay, I think I’ve driven my point home, no more car-related puns needed, I’ve run out of gas.

But all joking aside, we’re stoked to see 3 more films from one of our favorite franchises. And as they’re gearing up for production (yes, “gearing up” counts as another car pun), executive producer Vin Diesel is searching for the perfect director to helm their last ride into the sunset.

Join Jessica Chobot as we discuss who we think should be behind the wheel for the trilogy and why we think the not-so-secretly nerdy Vin Diesel should take the job for a spin, on today’s Nerdist News.

Thanks for watching today’s episode! Don’t miss the new Nerdist: Play where Malik tells us if we’re ready for virtual reality gaming, and let us know in the comments who you think should direct the final Fast & Furious films.

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