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We’re Going to Meet Whiplash’s Dad on AGENT CARTER (and He’s Played By Costa Ronin)

As seems to be the case for several of the recent cast additions for the forthcoming (and very anticipated, if you are this particular writer) new Marvel television series, Agent Carter, we’re going to meet someone rarely seen from Marvel’s past. This time it’s Whiplash (Mickey Rourke)’s dad, Anton Vanko.

Playing that role? Why none other than certifiably good at being a Russian baddie, Costa Ronin, better known to fans of FX’s The Americans as the KGB operative named Oleg, Marvel confirmed on their site on Friday.


Previously only heard of — and very briefly seen in old age on screen thanks to actor Yevgeni Lazarev — thanks to Ivan Vanko’s mention of his ol’ daddio and Tony Stark’s ol’ man’s inventor-buds relationship in Iron Man 2, the younger, ’50s version of Anton will no doubt get see a heck of a lot more action. A pretty exciting prospect, considering Poppa Stark will be appearing on the series thanks to his real-life counterpart (better known as actor Dominic Cooper). Does this mean we’ll see what really happened in the creation of the Arc reactor technology?

Regardless, the duo’s “business partnership” played out on TV will only mean more exciting, layered drama for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “Fans have wanted to learn more about Anton Vanko since he was first mentioned in Iron Man 2 and we’re happy to deliver,” explained Jeph Loeb, Marvel’s Head of Television.

Agent Carter is slated to make its debut during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s winter hiatus, manning that series’ 9PM timeslot for eight weeks only (a/k/a not nearly enough time) starting Tuesday, January 6th.

What do you think of the choice? Sound off in the comments.

Images: Marvel

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