Our tour of iZombie’s sets ended with Robert Buckley, David Anders, and Rahul Kohli totally trashed. That pretty much sums it up. The actors—Major, Blaine, and Ravi on the show, respectively—showed a small group of journalists around during a visit to set of the dramedy, and I have to say that you haven’t lived until you’ve listened to Buckley talk about how walls on sets are made from chewing gum and spill other important behind-the-scenes-facts. I’d pay extra money to go on a Warner Bros. lot tour guided by him. He, Anders, and Kohli took us through Liv’s apartment, Shady Plots, and Major and Ravi’s place before the show’s production designer Matthew Budgeon stepped in to take us to the morgue and the Seattle Police Department.
For a show about the undead, the set of iZombie was the most fun—and I’m not just saying that because I got to climb into a drawer in the morgue and eat brains (the texture was weird but they tasted okay). Who am I kidding?! Those things definitely contributed to the festive (undead = festive) atmosphere. I explored Ravi’s office, admired the perfect fake donuts in the police department, and touched some squishy (and gross!) faux intestines. What’s not to love? Look:
He’s clearly telling us something really important about Shady Plots.
In which Robert Buckley showcases the structural integrity of the pillars in Major and Ravi’s place.
Where all the brain eating magic happens.
Hop to the gallery below to see more photos from around the iZombie sets including Ravi and Major’s place, Shady Plots, Liv’s apartment, the police department, and the morgue.
Are you watching iZombie? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image: David Anders
Images: Amy Ratcliffe