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Watch Weird Al Parody Lorde’s ‘Royals’ in His Video for ‘Foil’

After we premiered Weird Al’s video for “Tacky” at the beginning of the week, our favorite parodist has continued trucking with his #8videos8days campaign. Yesterday we saw Al parody Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” with “Word Crimes”, and now he has released his food talk show/conspiracy theory music video for “Foil”, a reimagining of Lorde’s 2013 chart-topper, “Royals.”

The song starts out innocently enough–this is definitely just me, but that cocky head bump at 8 seconds is my favorite thing in the whole video, lol–as Al describes the shortcomings of all the materials used to keep food fresh. He can rely only on the trusty seal of aluminum foil. Patton Oswalt plays the hard-to-please director that we’d still like to actually direct Al.

After a sip of seemingly innocuous herbal tea, Al turns on the crazy switch and starts singing about shadow organizations, government coverups, and his foolproof plan to stave off alien abduction by using a hat made out of the same material that, nary seconds ago, he was using to keep a sandwich very, very fresh. It’s a nice little narrative twist that affords us extra cameos by Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant. Check out the video below and let us know which video think “Weird Al” is planning to release next.

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  1. Michael says:

    Is that Will Weaton with the clap board in the Fake Moon Landing video?

  2. Ulsha RS says:

    Our boys from Reno moved up it seems. It looks like Al was recruiting for his videos after being on @Midnight

  3. Wouldn’t scan properly if the word aluminIUM were used – its what people down my way call both the wrap and the element. 

  4. fotd says:

    As a kiwi I’m very pleased to see Royals given the Al Treatment and for it to be such a funny song… love it.

  5. sarahfenix says:

    Genius. Truly. Grammy worthy. Brava.

  6. Lemons says:

    Who all are the backup singers in this? Because I’m pretty certain the woman on the right is Emma Stone.

  7. Shane C says:

    that video foil was awesome but at the end it was kinda creepy

  8. Hooter says:

    Damn, I’ve been thinking this was an original song by him. Never heard of the original, or the band. 

  9. Rob S. says:

    This is how old I am. I’ve heard of this Lordy person but have never heard the songs of s/he?

    • awesomness says:

      she is awesome listen to royals

    • waxlion says:

      Under no circumstances listen to Royals. (Granted I guess since you’ve never heard it before you can’t really be sick of it yet.)

      Basically every single other track by the same artist is pretty decent and surprisingly mature or well put together for her age though.

  10. Will Sanders says:

    Going to originals, Sports Song or First World Problems should probably be next and he should finish everything with an elaborate Jackson Park Express video that compares to his Trapped in the Drive-Thru vid.

    • Chris Cooper says:

      If Jackson Park Express doesn’t get a video it should be declared a crime against humanity.