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Watch Spidey Chase Down A Truck In A New Clip From THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2

Yesterday, we brought you two brand new characters based clips from Sony’s highly anticipated sequel, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. While those clips were fun, they were very Peter Parker-based, and showed nothing of the web-slinger in action. Well, that changes today:

Ah yes, the classic case of a plutonium truck hijacking, as tends to happen in New York City on a Thursday morning.

This scene actually looks like a whole lot of fun. In context with the film, I have a feeling it’s going to be even more exciting, though you got to hand it to the editors on this one; that grand score is really cool and truly emphasizes the moment Spidey gets run over by a cop car, which is hilarious.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hits theaters May 2nd.

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  1. Brian says:

    They seem to have completely moved away from the “practical effects” of the last film, and going back to all CGI… sorry, but that looked a little too silly for my taste. That would have fit more in the Sam Raimi films… but the “darker” world they set up in the last movie, seems to have gone completely out the window. I’m not having high hopes for this… far too many villains for my taste. How will any one of them get enough development?

  2. Jorge says:

    The video clip is lacking keystone cop music. SMH!!!