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Watch D.U.M.’s Creepy-Cool Music-Video Homage to THE NEVERENDING STORY

With all due apologies to Pac-Man and Rubik’s Cube, when I remember the ’80s, I remember The NeverEnding Story. Director Wolfgang Petersen’s adaptation of Michael Ende’s novel has the kind of dark surrealism we just don’t see in films anymore, the kind that could only be conjured up in the Golden Age of kids’ movies, the era that gave us Time Bandits, The Dark Crystal, and E.T.

Apparently my fond memories are shared by D.U.M. (a.k.a. David Unger Music), which has just released a parody/tribute in the form of a music video for the song “On and On” (which is another way of saying “neverending,” get it?). As in D.U.M.’s other parody videos, which reuse scenes like Star Wars and Game of Thrones, Unger’s face is cleverly pasted over the faces of characters in t

he film, making a creepy classic even creepier! Seriously, is it just me or does the new Bastian look a lot like Peter Dinklage in GoT? In any case, watch the video below, and reenter the world of Fantastica — as you soar with Falcor, ride with Artax (till he, SPOILER, dies in the Swamps of Sadness, natch), save the Childlike Empress… and get bloody vengeance against the kids who taunted you for being a nerd!

And while we’re talking The NeverEnding Story, here’s Limahl performing the film’s original theme song in the official music video, complete with leather jacket, new wave hair, and androgynous posturing. There was no finer feeling in 1984 than that which came over you as you walked through a shopping mall sipping an Icee when this tune began playing everywhere. God, how I miss the ’80s…


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