The long-awaited fourth film in the Jurassic Park series opens this Friday, June 12. In addition to giving us a whole new assortment of dinosaurs to salivate over, Jurassic World stars every nerd’s favorite film star Chris Pratt, well known for his laid-back demeanor, good-natured humor, old-fashioned appreciation for the simple things in life, and, of course, his kick-ass musical skills. Kind of like singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett! So it was a match made in heaven when Pratt took the stage at last night’s Jurassic World premiere after party, held in the ballroom at Hollywoodâs Dolby Theatre, and performed Buffet’s most beloved song alongside the King of the Parrotheads himself.
Pratt’s Parks and Recreation co-star Retta broke the news on Instagram…
Here are some video snippets of the performance recorded by attendees…
So what do you guys think? Are there any two entertainers so well matched as Chris Pratt and Jimmy Buffett? Let us know below!