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Watch a Functional Tomahawk Forged out of a Large Wrench

Everyone knows the old saying about how you need the right tool for the job, but what if you just do not have the right tool available? What if you need to do some good old fashioned wood chopping, but all you have at your disposal is a measly wrench? Well it turns out that if you are crafty enough that’s not really a problem, because you always have the right tool in your box, as this video showing a tomahawk being forged out of nothing more than a wrench can attest.

Okay, “nothing more” than a wrench and some very skilled, very impressive craftsmanship.

This video was shared by the YouTube channel Miller Knives, and in it we get to see the process of how a normal, large wrench is heated, shaped, molded, and finished into an effective, sharp tomahawk, one that is capable of chopping through wood.

For you and I, people who can safely be described as having “zero ability whatsoever working as a blacksmith,” it definitely would be easier for us to go buy a tomahawk (especially because if we tried to do this we would then be without both a tomahawk or a wrench), but that isn’t nearly as satisfying as this looks.

Because, it turns out if you have the right skills, the right tool for any job is you.

What other type of tool would you love to see him try and make out of a wrench? What are some other projects you’d like to see him attempt transforming useful items into other useful items? Forge ahead into our comments below to tell us your ideas.

Images: Miller Knives

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